“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” John 13: 34 – 35.
St Andrew’s church is very much a family of friends who receive God’s love and give it away freely. Some friendships are old, and some are new, but one of our chief aims is to make every newcomer and existing member feel extremely welcome, loved, and cared for within our church family.
Our minister, Mark, is readily available for one-to-one meetings and prayer ministry, including hospital visits and home communion. Mark’s prayer is Holy-Spirit led, he prays powerfully for people to gain clarity through hearing God’s voice, and for the healing and resolution of difficult issues. Clare is available every Tuesday afternoon for a meet-up and to pray. Clare is a retired GP and whilst unable to give specific medical advice, she has an interest in prayer for physical healing and has some knowledge of how to navigate healthcare systems. We also have several members of the congregation who are keen to visit those in need and offer prayer ministry.
We are blessed to have a team of lovely cooks who will cook delicious meals on a rota-basis at times of crisis, when it may be difficult to cook for yourself.
At our sister church, All Saints’ in Woodford Green, we have Helen Morris heading up a great Pastoral Care Team, which anyone in the local area can access for emotional, social, and prayer support. There is also a hardship fund for anyone with serious financial needs. All requests are prayerfully considered by the team, and they aim to help wherever possible.
The congregation understands that any information gained during the undertaking of pastoral care or prayer ministry is only to be shared with any relevant leadership members on a strictly need-to-know basis and this obviously includes any safeguarding issues. We adhere to stringent safeguarding guidelines and have a robust system of reporting if anyone may be at risk. We adhere to safer recruitment good practices and training in safeguarding is given to all new volunteers. Contact details for reporting any concerns are displayed in the church hall.
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